School Policies » Bathroom Policy

Bathroom Policy

Bathroom Policy


The following bathroom policy will apply to ALL students and ALL bathrooms:


Students must ask their classroom teacher for permission to use the bathroom. If granted permission, the teacher must sign in and sign out in the student’s “Bathroom Log” section of their student Planner. 

Students must use the bathroom that is closest in proximity to their classroom on the same floor.

Students will only be excused from class to use the bathroom individually. The next student will be permitted to leave once his/her classmate returns.

While in the bathroom there will be NO

  •       Loitering- Bathrooms are not designed for students to congregate.
  •       Smoking/vaping in the bathroom.

Students must have ID with them at all times and be able to provide it to a staff member should it be requested.

Students who are found to violate this school policy, will be subject to the NYCDOE Citywide Behavioral Expectations found in the Chancellor's Regulations. Disciplinary action can include but is not limited to, an Intervention Meeting or suspension.


This bathroom policy is to ensure the safety of all students and staff members within our school community.